We will be doing a mix of walking bus tours around the city Friday evening for those who would like to check out the local sights.
We will be doing a mix of walking bus tours around the city Friday evening for those who would like to check out the local sights.
We will be doing a mix of walking bus tours around the city Friday evening for those who would like to check out the local sights.
photo gallery
photo gallery
photo gallery
FRIDAY | 15 FEB 2019
Venue: Wellington, Parliament buildings
Beehive entrance
8:15 AM Arrival
Beehive Entrance | Parliament
Please arrive at Beehive entrance by 8.15 AM
Check your name off the register at entrance with Anne Masoe
Make your way through Security check
Put your luggage and personal belongings into holding room
Collect ticket for personal belongings | hold onto it
Make your way to the West Wing for breakfast refreshments
Beehive | West Wing | Parliament
Please be ready to leave the West Wing to go to the Grand Hall for the Pohiri procession
Note: Late arrivals will not be able to join the conference until the formal proceedings of Pohiri has been concluded.
9:30 AM Pohiri
Mana whenua | Kura Moeahu
Speaker | Hon Aupito William Si'o
The Grand Hall | Parliament
Manuhiri PACIFICA representative
Tuaine Nurse Robati, ONZM
PACIFICA to follow Kaikaranga into Grand Hall
Tuaine Robati seated at front row with men
PACIFICA Women seated second from front row
PACIFICA waiata tautoko | Ua fa'afetai after Tuaine speaks
Handover to PACIFICA CONFERENCE | Kura Moeahu
10:00 AM Welcome & Introductions
National PACIFICA President | Tofilau Bernadette Pereira
Introduce WCB Host Branch President | Natalia Fareti
to present the Health & Safety Procedures and to introduce Keynote speaker
10:30 AM Key Note Address | Growing Pacific Success
Saunoamaali’i Karanina Sumeo | EEO Commissioner for the New Zealand Human Rights Commission
Parliament | The Grand Hall
11:00 AM Q & A Panel with the Ministers
Chair | Hon Luamanuvao Dame Winnie Laban
Government representation:
Labour Hon Jenny Salesa
Greens Hon Marama Davidson
NZ First Hon Jenny Marcroft
National TBC
12:15 PM Closing Panel Summary by Chair
Hon Luamanuvao Dame Winnie Laban
12:30 PM Le Moana Dance Company
Dance group with Tupe Lualua
12.50 PM Conference group photo on Parliament steps
Weather dependent
1:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Pacific Success in the House
Associate Speaker of the House | Hon Poto Williams
Grand Hall or Debating Chamber (depending on extended time of House in session)
3:00 PM Re-group
At the bottom of Parliament steps - onboard bus
3:30 PM WELLYWOOD Bus tour
Pre-registered delegates only
Bus drop off to KJ Hall | 100 Boulcott Street
4:30 PM Fale Check-in
Collect room cards | Settle-in at KJ hall accommodation
Venue: K J Hall
100 Boulcott Street, Wellington, Ground floor
6:00 PM PACIFICA Networking dinner
7:00 PM All-In PACIFICA Quiz Hour
8:00 PM Ei Katu Making
Walking bus tours
Cable Car | Waterfront | Cuba
10:00 PM Movie session
Bring your own snacks along
SATURDAY | 16 FEB 2019
Venue: Victoria University, Alan Mac Diarmid, AM102
Kelburn Campus, Wellington
8:30 AM Bus Pick up from KJ Hall
Bus Drop off to Victoria University
9:00 AM Welcome & Introductions
AVC Pasifika Hon Luamanuvao Dame Winnie Laban
9:30 AM Morning tea
10:00 AM P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A. INC'S 42nd. Annual General Meeting
Inaugural YOUNG PACIFIC Conference commences
See YOUNG PACIFICA conference page
National Executive AGM Programme
[3 hours]
1:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Reconvene AGM
[2.5 hours]
Reconvene Young PACIFICA programme
Afternoon tea
Rolling coffee/tea/refreshments from 3.00pm
4:00 PM Bus Pick up from Victoria University
Bus Drop off to KJ Hall
Own arrangements
Prepare for Conference Dinner
Venue: Victoria University, Alan Mac Diarmid, AM102
Kelburn Campus, Wellington
6:00 PM Bus Pick up from KJ Hall
Drop off to Victoria University
6:30 PM P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A. Conference Dinner
National Executive programme
10:00 PM Bus Pick up from Victoria University
Drop off to KJ Hall
Own arrangements
DAY 3 SUNDAY | 17 FEB 2019
Venue: Victoria University, Alan Mac Diarmid, AM102
Kelburn Campus, Wellington
8:30 AM Bus Pick up | KJ Hall
Drop off | Victoria University
9:00 AM Morning Service
Ps Julie Wong-Kee
10:00 AM Closing Plenary session
Morning tea
10:30 AM Departures
Tofa Soifua